Just like everyone else, Christmas time is probably our busiest time of the year. Between Christmas shopping, caroling parties, family celebrations and baby showers, December seemed to be especially packed with activities and celebrations. I think next year, I'm going to try to blog after each event so that everything is not all crammed into one, but this year, a 'photo blog' is going to have to do! ENJOY!!!
Goulas Christmas Caroling Party
Mary and 'Baby Jesus'
Baby Jesus doing some light reading in the manger
Mary, Joseph and the Angels of the Lord
Baby Jesus and the donkey that Mary rode on to get to Bethlehem.
Baby Jesus kept petting the donkey. I guess she thought he was a puppy....not sure WHY she would think that! :)
The Holy Family, the Shepherds, Angels and Wisemen
Truett and baby Jesus
Gramma and Dakota - Dakota painted this apron for her
Truett & Tuck the Tortoise (gift from Jay and I)
Emma checking out her Christmas goods
Christmas Eve
I don't know why Truett wasn't in any of the pics, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was probably due to the fact that he rarely stays in one place long enough for me to get a picture!
Santa's apple turnovers and chocolate milk. I'm glad Santa is so polite and leaves a Thank You note each year!
Truett's gifts
Emma's gifts
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