Friday, March 26, 2010

21st on the 26th!

My cousin, Benjamin, turned 21 this year on March 26th so I thought I'd give him a 'shout out' via my blog! :)
I was 12 when Benjamin was born and can actually remember going to the hospital when my aunt went into labor. I was thrilled at the idea of having a baby in the family and even more excited about the fact that Aunt Mollie and Uncle Ben had dubbed me "#1 Babysitter". I thought I was so big! :)
Benjamin was my first "babysitting job" and I can remember my aunt giving me $20 for playing with him (as well as watching TV and eating yummy snacks!) while she cleaned her house and did her laundry. Now that I'm a mom myself and realize the significance of having someone around to entertain your children so that you can get things done around the house, I'm thinking I was DEFINITELY under paid, but then again, the reality of it was that I was probably there because Aunt Mollie was babysitting ME plus, I loved playing with Benjamin situation!
Here's Benjamin on his 1st birthday....Apparently, my mom loved playing with him, too - she's the one in the clown outfit! hahahhah!
Emily & Benjamin - I think Emily felt 'grown up', too, because until Benjamin was born, Emily was one of the 'babies' of the family.
Aunt Mollie, Benjamin & Uncle Ben
Benjamin was truly a great kid growing up. He was so sweet, worked hard in school, had tons of friends and LOVED being with his family.
Me, Benjamin & Emily at MawMaw's house the night before Emily & me moved to Dallas
MawMaw & Benjamin
I'm not sure who the baby is in the picture. It could either be Sarah or John (or possibly some other baby in the family...hahah!) but I LOVE the sweater that Benjamin is wearing! hahahaha!
Benjamin and Sarah
When Emma was born, Jay and I couldn't think of anyone better to be her Godfather. We know he'll be an amazing example and role model for her!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BENJAMIN! We hope your birthday was as AMAZING as you are! WE LOVE YOU!

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