Thursday, December 16, 2010

Baby Jesus Parties

Truett and Emma both had Baby Jesus parties at school.  Their school parties seem to get a little more and more over the top each year, but they always have a good time.

Emma joined Truett at his party and he was sweet enough to share his treats with her.
 Truett and his friends all made their own silver bells and sang "Silver Bells" for the parents at the party.
 They played Christmas Bingo and Truett won a slide whistle.  Ummm....whose idea was it to give THAT noisy prize???  Needless to say, it never made it to our house!  :)
 Truett and his teacher, Ms. Dawn
 Emma's party was the following day and I'm pretty sure her party was even MORE overboard than Truett's, especially for her age group, but she had a great time.

Emma & her Papa
 Emma's graham cracker manger that she's decorated.  The room mom pre-assembled 10 of these the day before and also made a piping bag with frosting for each TWO YEAR OLD to use to decorate their 'manger'.  Yeah...she only has one child and is pregnant with her 2nd.  I'm thinking next year, she'll probably just slap a sticky note that says "Merry Christmas" on a pack of Oreos and call it a day!  hahahaha!
 Emma and her little buddy, Brooks, snacking on their Christmas cookies
 Emma and her teachers, Ms. Amanda & Ms. Allena
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