Tomorrow is the big day and we are absolutely THRILLED about Emma's arrival. I am so excited for Truett to meet his little sister and to put a face with a name. I'm still not sure if he realizes that the 'Emma' we've been talking about is an actual person and not just a nickname for my belly!
I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:00 so Truett will be staying the night with my parents tonight and Danny will bring him to school in the morning before coming to the hospital. I'll have the c-section at 9:00 and then Emma and I will be in our room at 11:00.
Truett will come to the hospital tomorrow afternoon after school (and a nap!) to meet Emma. Be checking back for updates...I'll post them here. I'll try to put up pics as soon as possible, too.
Have a great day tomorrow...I know we will! :)