Monday, June 14, 2010

Everybody Was Taekwondo Fighting!

Truett started Taekwondo last week. We signed him up for a 'free/come and see if you like it' class. When we told him Friday night that he was going to go on Saturday morning, he was FIRED UP! He woke up Saturday morning, ran into our room and yelled, "IT'S KARATE CLASS DAY!!!!!!!!"
Here's Truett 'sitting quietly and waiting patiently for class to start'
Running drill to get warmed up for class
Emma looking on
When class was over, he wasn't quite as excited about Taekwondo as he had been. His reason? "They make me say, 'Yes, sir!' everytime!' hahahaha! Needless to say, we signed him up for 6 more weeks! :)
He was pretty excited about getting his uniform, though.
This was his first 'official' class.
We've been to 4 more classes and he seems to be getting better at standing still and doing the movements. I'm excited for this next stage and look forward to watching him practice and develop his skills. :)

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