Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Third Time's a Charm

So, I wrote last month about Emma sleeping through the night. Unfortunately, it was a fluke and that was the only time it happened.

Well, I am happy to announce that last night was the THIRD night in a row that she slept through the night. Now, I've probably jinxed myself by posting about it, but I am so happy and WELL RESTED at this point that I just had to share!
Just a few pictures of Sleeping Beauty
I think Emma's excited about letting her mama sleep! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, PEANUT!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it is going in a good direction. Beck did the same, slept through the night a couple of days and did not do it again for another 3 weeks. But after that, it was the real deal!! Good luck!