Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flying Solo

So, today is the first day since Emma's arrival that I am at home with both kids by myself. Truett has been staying with my parents or Jay's parents during the day while Jay is at work. Being that I was/am still recovering from the c-section, I can't pick up Truett and he is pretty active. He LOVES to jump and tackle, which didn't seem like a fun activity to me, post-op! :)

Anyway, this morning has been great! Emma slept while Truett and I made and had muffins together for breakfast. When we were done, Truett sat with me and watched his favorite morning show while I fed Emma...chomping at the bit the ENTIRE time to hold Emma! When Emma had had enough to eat, Truett held her and kissed her until he decided he was ready for a snack (approx. 3 minutes!).

While Truett enjoyed his snack, Emma slept in her swing. That also gave Truett and I time to play in his room, color and write Thank You notes. As you can see, I've even managed to slip in some time to blog! SUPER MOM! hahaha :)

Truett has been a great big brother and has been very helpful around the house.

He helps with the laundry.
He helps me take care of Emma.

He even helps out by dressing himself.

It really feels great to have Truett 'incorporated' back into our lives. It was SUCH a blessing to have time to get settled in and healed up a bit before taking that plunge, but Jay, Truett and I were ALL ready to have Truett with us. Not sure how Emma's taking it, but... :)

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1 comment:

Shelley said...

I LOVE those pictures! Truett seems like he is a riot! He must keep you laughing all the time! And busy of course! :)